Hanged Spies
These very unpleasant photographs are of presumed spies hanged by the Austro-Hungarian forces in Galizia in the First World War.
Two women hanged by these brave soldiers on suspicion of carrying activities of espionage. The caption makes humorous comments of the scene. What impresses me is how short is the woman on the left. What could she have done?

The certainly weren't Mata Haris
Curious method of dying by furniture removal. In the center there is a woman already dead and on her left a one legged man (!?!) looks interested at the proceedings.
One must accept that war is shit and humanity sucks!!!
(Lamento no poder traducir esto al castellano. Quizas Cilencio nos haga la gauchada, como dijo un comentarista)
Se puede concebir la mala suerte de haber nacido para caer en manos de tamaños trogloditas?
Dios aprieta pero no ahorca...
Holt Risse zu meinen Augen und zu Augenlidern. Ich wuchs durch den Krieg auf und sah schreckliche Sachen in den Kiew Vororten.
"Gets tears to my eyes and to lids. I grew up by the war and saw terrible things in Kiev to suburbs"
Don't Panic, Boris...I mean "Keith Chegwin".....This is not going to happen to you or any of your Tasmanian friends!
(Translation courtesy of Cilencio, your friendly translator)
nein, my friend. i shall writing in english for you. i said it bringings tears to my eyes and my eyelids also for they are connect. the war was terrific? terrible?- (i know not which english) in Kiev suburbs, my friend. my childshood was in war.
i have no tasmanian friends. they too where killeds in the wars.
i ams 79. i do not likes remembers these atrocite things- painful memories.
you really got it in a nutshell about war and humanity. a few years ago i went to an exhibition on lynching in america and it seems that people used to make up postcards of the lynchings that they attended. sent them to family with comments on the back. like it was sport.
then again, you can find more recent pictures showing similar things.
it is all rather disheartening...
Algo habrán hecho...
Al pie de la primera foto dice algo como: "Qué 'placidez vienesa' parecía haber en Galitzia!"(hasta entonces), y luego aclara el motivo de las ejecuciones.
(Ese idioma es terrible. Gracias, diccionarios web !!)
Sí, puede ser, pero "aussah" significa "parecía" o "aparentaba".
J... sintaxis teutona !!
"Supuestas espias", "sospechadas de espionaje".
"Gemütlichkeit" (lo confirmé)es "comodidad,placidez,tranquilidad"(hasta ese momento, aparentes). Y la línea de abajo dice "mujeres colgadas por PRESUNTO(angeblicher)espionaje". Mi traducción quizá no es demasiado buena pero creo que se le aproxima. En todo caso, pidámosle ayuda al Sr. Cilencio,que domina mejor el tema.
(Yo me mandé de kamikaze,nomás.)
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