Bunga Bunga

Del diario de ayer:
Dos chicas dieron detalles escandalosos de las fiestas de Berlusconi
13/04/11 - 16:15
Lo hicieron como testigos ante la fiscalía de Milán. Describieron el "bunga-bunga" y contaron las obscenidades que promovía el premier italiano. Dos jóvenes mujeres italianas revelaron detalles de las fiestas que solía celebrar el primer ministro italiano Silvio Berlusconi. Lo hicieron en calidad de testigos ante la fiscalía en Milán, que tramita el proceso en el que se lo acusa al mandatario por prostitución y abuso de poder. Ambas mujeres contaban con apenas 18 años en agosto de 2010 cuando participaron de una fiesta en presencia de Berlusconi en su villa de Milán. Las testigos relataron detalles obscenos de esas fiestas, que reprodujeron varios medios italianos. Los escandalosos testimonios de Chiara y Ambra se refirieron, particularmente, a una fiesta organizada la noche del 22 de agosto de 2010 en Villa Arcore. Las dos jóvenes decidieron el lunes presentarse ante el Tribunal de Milán por consejo de una senadora del partido de oposición Italia de los Valores. Según sus revelaciones, el "bunga-bunga", descrito por la joven marroquí Ruby, no corresponde a las "veladas elegantes" que el millonario político asegura organizar para distraerse de sus compromisos oficiales. "Quince minutos después de iniciada la cena, un grupo de chicas comenzaron a mostrar sus senos, lo tocaban en sus partes íntimas y ellas a su vez se dejaban tocar", cuenta Ambra. Mientras todo ello ocurría cantaban: "Menos mal que existe Silvio" y él respondía: "mis niñitas, mis niñitas". "Después del enésimo chiste vulgar –sigue el relato de Chiara-, Berlusconi comenzó a pasar una estatua ante las chicas, una suerte de caparazón del que salía un hombre con un pene enorme. La estatua era grande como una botella de agua mineral de un litro y medio. El pene era visiblemente desproporcionado. La pasa ante las chicas y les pide que besen el pene. Lo besaban y simulaban sexo oral". En un momento dado Berlusconi clama: "¿Están listas para el bunga-bunga?". Las chicas responden en coro: "íSí!,ísí!", sostiene la joven. Las dos jóvenes admiten la angustia que les suscitó bajar a un sótano con una pequeña discoteca en donde encontraron otras chicas disfrazadas de enfermeras, con minifalda y escotes notables. En la discoteca, las jóvenes "bailaban en forma bien vulgar, se subían la falda, mostraban el trasero", cuenta Chiara al describir el llamado "bunga-bunga". Según las dos muchachas acudieron una sola vez a la residencia, invitadas por Emilio Fede, de 79 años, director de noticias del canal privado de televisión Rete4, amigo íntimo de Berlusconi y también investigado por inducción a la prostitución. Los abogados de Berlusconi rechazaron como poco creíbles las declaraciones de las dos jóvenes y recalcaron que contradicen numerosos testimonios de las fiestas y veladas del Primer Ministro. "Si se quieren ir, muy bien, pero no crean que van a poder participar en el concurso de belleza de Miss Italia", amenazó Fede, al ver la reacción de las chicas de querer irse de la fiesta, según el relato de las muchachas. Ambra y Chiara aceptaron participar en la fiesta tras la promesa de Fede de que presentarían un programa de televisión sobre las previsiones meteorológicas. Los abogados de Berlusconi Piero Longo y Niccolo Ghedini rechazaron los detalles presentados por las testigos por inconsistentes e infundados. En cambio, la fiscalía de Milán a cargo del caso "Ruby" los consideró importantes "para esclarecer el contexto".
Silvio Berlusconi encouraged two 18-year-old models to take part in an "indecent" game with a statue of the fertility god Priapus, it was claimed on Wednesday.
In some of the most lurid evidence to emerge from the sex scandal engulfing the prime minister, the two women said they were so shocked by what they witnessed at one of his so called "bunga-bunga" parties that they demanded to be taken home. They were allegedly told by one of Mr Berlusconi's closest associates: "If you want to go, fine, but you can forget about entering Miss Italy or becoming TV weather girls." Chiara Danese and Ambra Battilana are not among the 33 women who prosecutors allege prostituted themselves with the prime minister during wild parties at his mansion outside Milan, Villa San Martino. They said they decided to come forward to give evidence because since attending one of the gatherings they had been labelled as "escorts" in their home towns in Piedmont in north-western Italy. They told investigators that they were invited to a party on Aug 22 last year after being spotted at beauty contests by Emilio Fede, a television presenter on one of Mr Berlusconi's television channels. Ambra Battilana is of mixed Italian-Philippines heritage and was last year crowned Miss Piedmont. The women claimed that Mr Fede, 79, offered to secure them jobs as television weather girls earning 5,000 euros (£4,451) a week. He is one of three people under investigation for allegedly procuring prostitutes for the premier. According to the women, about a dozen women attended the evening, with the 74-year-old prime minister addressing them as "my babies". They allgedly included showgirls whose names appear in the sex investigation, in which Mr Berlusconi is accused of abuse of office and paying for sex with an under age prostitute, a Moroccan-born nightclub dancer known as Ruby the Heart Stealer. Once dinner was over, women allegedly started dancing, stripping off their clothes, kissing Mr Berlusconi and Mr Fede and touching them "in their intimate parts", according to the testimony of the two teenagers. Mr Berlusconi reportedly told crude jokes and sang songs in French and Italian. "After the umpteenth obscene joke, Berlusconi brought in a statuette. It was a sort of shell and from inside it emerged a male figure ... Berlusconi was said to have walked between the girls, carrying the statue, and asked them to kiss it. They were all laughing," claimed Miss Danese. The prime minister then allegedly said: "Are you ready to bunga bunga?" to which the women shouted "Yes!" The teenagers said they were then led to a room "like a disco, with a pole dancing stage" with the other women, one of whom carried a whip. "Berlusconi and Fede were encouraging the girls, saying 'Come on, strip, take off your clothes, dance,'" Miss Danese claimed. "At this point we were terrified." In a statement, Mr Berlusconi's lawyers said the accounts given by the teenagers were "totally without foundation", but prosecutors in Milan said their evidence was "important". It also been reported that at a dinner organised by his party faithful this week, Mr Berlusconi was entertained by a Swedish model emerging from a giant Easter egg, according to La Repubblica newspaper. The stunt allegedly involving Charlotte Crona, 26, who is also a violinist, was said to have been arranged on Monday at a villa outside Milan just hours after the prime minister turned up in court to proclaim that he would not be convicted in the prostitution trial or three tax fraud and corruption trials he faces.