Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
"Dear Friend Hitler" (From The Guardian)

Western productions have occasionally attempted to make fun of Hitler, ranging from successes like The Producers to fiascos like Heil Honey, I'm Home. But Dear Friend Hitler is not a traditional Bollywood musical, and makes no claim to comedy. "It aims to capture the personality of Adolf Hitler and his insecurities, his charisma and his paranoia during the last few days of his life," Kumar says. In other words, this is Downfall – but with a positive spin.
From The Guardian. Go Here For the full article:
Un director de cine Hindu, anunció que hara una pelicula sobre el amor que Hitler sentia por India "Dear Friend Hitler"(Querido amigo Hitler), no será una comedia sino un film serio que mostrara el lado tierno y afectivo de Hitler.