Monday, October 31, 2005


Dos revistas de los buenos viejos tiempos. La satirica "El Manchado" de la era peronista y "Que Boludo" esa revista que nos introdujo al popularisimo Tito Tereso.

Two more publications from the good old days. "El Manchado" (The Spotted One) satirical magazine from the peronist era and "Que Boludo!" (What an Asshole!) a naughty magazine with loads of photographs of ladies in bikinis


Man...Did she swing!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Aqui van algunos interesantes libros de la biblioteca de Babel

The library of Babylon...Some knowledge of Spanish is needed to understand this. I promise that tomorrow I'll post something in English for my Anglophone friends

Spanish Cinema

Una gran pelicula de los buenos viejos tiempos...Te acuerdas?

A great Spanish classic "The Loves of a Galician" The most sexual film of the season, says the poster.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Golden Age Posters-Afiches

Dos afiches de la edad de oro del cine argentino.

Two posters of classic films from the golden age of argentinean cinema: "The Poofter of Buenos Aires" and "The Son of the Pederast"

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Este pedido de disculpas por haber anunciado erroneamente la muerte del pianista de jazz Dodo Marmarosa, aparecio en el "Guardian" hace algun tiempo atras.
From "The Guardian" few years ago.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Acomodando el atico me encontre con unas viejas revistas que tanto alegraron mi juventud.

Clearing my loft I found some old magazines that so much brighten up my youth

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Dos grandes clasicos del cine.

Two great classic movies "Moon Over Miami" and "The Loves of a Whore"

Friday, October 21, 2005


Eva Peron y Marylin Monroe son iconos contemporaneos. Aqui presento dos iconogramas alternativos.

Eva Peron and Marylin Monroe are contemporary icons. Here I present two alternative iconograms

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Ya que Peter Jackson esta rehaciendo "King Kong" y Ridley Scott habia hablado de rehacer "El Ciudadano" no veo porque no se podria rehacer este clasico.

Since Peter Jackson is remaking "King Kong" and Ridley Scott talked about remaking "Citizen Kane" I don't see why this classic couldn't be remade.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Happy Harmonies

-Fué esta verdaderamente una animacion de Harman-Ising?
-Was this really a Harman-Ising cartoon?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


-No querrias oirlo?

-Wouldn't you like to hear it?

Monday, October 17, 2005


Este es el afiche de una pelicula que realmente me hubiera gustado haber visto.

This is the poster of a film I would really love to have seen.